Connie AI

Answers your business can rely on

Super-charge your Confluence spaces with trustworthy AI

AI that is reliable

Incorrect answers waste your time. What's the use if you have to check your AI's answer?

Stops the copy → paste

Extract and analyze information from Confluence tables. No need for Excel.

Improve your knowledge base

Connie provides all the data you need to understand the value of your Confluence spaces and improve them.

Intelligence at your service

Much more than search

Connie can answer much more than simple questions.It can reason over the facts in your knowledge base, extracting structured information from tables and performing analytical operations such as sorting, averaging, etc.Obtain results directly in Confluence – no need to copy-paste into Excel!

Not just sources

See the reasons why

Connie's unique X-ray feature allows you to see the exact pieces of information used to answer a question, and any additional steps used to compute the result.

Get data to improve your knowledge base

See what you're missing

It's hard to maintain a great knowledge base.Let Connie help your team by pinpointing what content is helpful and what needs work.

Coming soon

And a lot more...

Creating and maintaining a knowledge base is hard work.
We have exciting plans to make your knowledge base grow and work for you.
Check out our blog for early insight into what we are working on.

Schedule a demo

Questions? Contact us and one of the humans behind Connie AI will show you what Connie can do and answer any questions you have.


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© Applied Language Understanding Inc. All rights reserved.